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Top 6 Novella Publishers That Are Open To Submissions

Novel Publishers

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Novellas are short fiction stories that can range from 20,000 – 50,000+ words. They are also known as “short novels.” With their focused narrative, they have gained popularity among readers and writers alike. This kind of fiction offers a unique storytelling experience that falls somewhere between a short story and a full-length novel. Many writers are eager to find a book publishing company that accepts and promotes their novellas. However, finding the right novella publisher can be challenging. To avoid such obstacles, authors should research accurate information regarding publishing houses actively seeking novella manuscripts. This knowledge can be the key to unlocking opportunities for writers to share their concise yet impactful narratives with a wider readership.

Top Publishers For Novellas Accepting Manuscripts:

You can consider these top six publishers who are accepting submissions:

1- Hachette Book Group:

Hachette Book Group is a leading trade publisher in the U.S. and a division of the third-largest trade and educational book publisher globally. With a rich history dating back to 1837, HBG publishes under several recognizable imprints, each with its unique identity and commitment to excellence. They not only accept novella submissions but also maintain high editorial standards, ensuring that the selected novellas are of exceptional quality and resonate with a discerning readership.
With its parent company Hachette Livre’s expansive network, HBG’s influence extends globally. It benefits from international distribution channels, ensuring its authors’ voices reach a worldwide audience. To submit your novella, it’s important to carefully review their submission guidelines, as they may have specific requirements for formatting, length, and other submission details.

 2- Ninth Letter:

Ninth Letter is a prestigious and acclaimed literary magazine renowned for its commitment to the literary arts. However, this biannual publication serves as a platform for expressing creative voices across various genres, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.
This platform gives writers a generous word limit of up to 8,000 words, which lets them explore complex concepts and build challenging stories. It’s a good choice for novella publishers who want to submit more engaging books.

3- Black Balloon Publishing:

Black Balloon Publishing is located in New York, USA. It works under a philosophy that values the power of storytelling and the need for diverse voices in literature. They publish full-length novels, but they have also been open to novella submissions, recognizing the potential of shorter works to deliver impactful and imaginative stories. While their specific submission guidelines may change over time, authors with novella manuscripts should consider this as a potential avenue. Don’t forget to verify the most current submission guidelines on the publisher’s official website.

4- Melville House:

Melville House is an independent publisher known for its commitment to literary fiction and non-fiction. They gained attention and acclaim with their “The Art of the Novella” series, which showcases great novellas throughout history, indicating their appreciation for the form. Also known for supporting novella publishers and its dedication to providing a platform for innovative and engaging fiction. If you are an author with a novella manuscript seeking publication, a publisher worth considering on your literary journey.

5- The Fantasist:

The Fantasist is an online magazine that publishes novella stories every three months. They accept well-researched stories. The word limit is 15,000 – 40,000. However, it is more than just a literary publication; it’s a vibrant and welcoming community fostering a sense of belonging among writers and readers.
For authors aspiring to have their novellas featured in “The Fantasist,” it’s essential to thoroughly review the magazine’s submission guidelines, which provide valuable insights into formatting, word count expectations, and the submission process.

6- A Public Space:

A Public Space is based in Brooklyn, New York. The magazine’s mission is to provide a platform where emerging and established writers can amplify their voices, sharing stories, essays, and ideas. If you want to send them your work, they like stories or essays that are not too short (at least 15,000 words) but not too long (no more than 40,000 words). You can learn by checking their guidelines.

Understanding Rights And Royalties:

When writing novellas, authors need to understand the rules for rights and earnings of different book marketing services:

Rights In Novella Publishing Contracts: 

When you, as an author, sign a publishing contract for your novella, you essentially grant certain rights to the publisher.

Common rights in publisher’s contracts include:

First Print Rights:

This grants the publisher the exclusive right to publish the novella in print format for the first time. After this period, these rights might revert to the author.

Electronic Rights:

The publisher can go for eBook distribution. Authors should clarify if this is for a specific period or in perpetuity.

Translation Rights:

These rights permit the novella to be translated into other languages, broadening its reach to international audiences.

Exclusivity Rights:

Some contracts may include a period during which the novella can only be published by that particular publisher.

Royalties For Novella Publishers: 

Royalties are the financial rewards authors receive for their novella sales. The specific royalty structure can vary from contract to contract, but it’s essential to understand how they work.

Standard royalty models include:

Advance Against Royalties:

Some novella publishers offer authors an upfront advance payment. This is an advance against future royalties. The author starts earning royalties once the book’s earnings exceed the advance.

Percentage Royalties:

In this model, authors receive a percentage of the sales revenue. For example, you earn a 10% royalty on each sale, calculated based on the book’s retail price or the publisher’s net receipts.

Net Profit Royalties:

Some contracts calculate royalties based on the publisher’s net profit. Therefore, authors receive a percentage of the profits after deducting production and marketing book costs.


What are the potential costs involved in hybrid Publishing for novellas?

Costs in hybrid publishing can vary significantly based on the services provided. While some hybrid publishers might charge for editorial and book design services, others might cover these costs but offer paid additional services like advanced marketing.

Are the top 6 novella publishers open to self-publish a hardcover book?

Each publisher has its policies regarding previously self-published works. Some may be open to republishing a self-published novella if it meets their submission guidelines and has demonstrated market success, especially if you’re looking to self-publish a hardcover book. Check each publisher’s submission guidelines to determine if your self-published novella qualifies.


The world of novella publishers offers many opportunities for aspiring authors and the top 6 publishers open to submissions represent a promising gateway.
Each of these novella publishers—from Parvus Press and Fairlight Books to The Gettysburg Review and Big Fiction and The Fantasist and A Public Space—brings something special. It’s important to carefully review the submission guidelines of these publishers, as they may evolve over time.

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